The first thing asked when a person talks about photography reflectors is what are they. A photograph holds a memory and is something treasured by the owner. One of the first things that a photographer learns about photography is lighting. This is one of the key components that could declare a photo good or a waste of time. This is where reflectors come into play. Reflectors are another name for an object that can reflect or bend light. This can include mirrors, a sheet or even aluminum foil. A reflector is anything used to soften, redirect or balance light. Any photographer will admit that you can need the right light for an amazing photograph. Having the most amazing scene with a gorgeous woman or man can create a great photograph. If the light isn’t right though, then your amazing photograph will turn bad like a rotten apple. There are many different reflectors used in photography. They come in many different sizes, colors, shapes and more.
Different Kinds of Reflectors
Large reflectors soften the light in a photograph. This is because they diffuse light over larger and more expanded sizes. Small reflectors are easy to maneuver and carry. That is why they’re recommended for photographers that are always on the move. A smaller reflector is more convenient for photography done outdoors. It will brighten up a person’s features in the photograph. Among the size of the reflector, there is also a choice in color as well. Each color gives a different look to the photograph.
- White Reflectors – This type of reflector is of a more neutral color. They are also a fill source.
- Silver Reflectors – This type of reflector is for images that are high in contrast. They can also give highlights throughout the photograph as well. This is the type of reflector that many photographers use for photographs in black and white.
- Gold Reflectors – This type of reflector gives off a softer look due to the golden hue of the reflector. This is the type of reflector that is normally used for photographs taken indoors.
- Black Reflectors – This reflector is a little different. That’s because this reflector doesn’t distort the light within a photograph. Instead, this type of reflector helps to minimize the light in the photograph.
- Translucent Reflectors – This type of reflector is some type of fabric such as a sheet. They are like black reflectors where they try to diminish the light in the photograph. But, they make the light that does shine through seem softer in the photograph as well.
Other Materials Used for Reflectors
There are some household items used as a reflector for photography. Many people don’t realize how easy it is to find a reflector that they can use to create a great photograph. There are many things that photographers wouldn’t even think of using, but they work. These include:
- Sheets – White sheets work as a type of translucent reflector. They give off the perfect amount of soft light.
- Mirrors – Mirrors are the most thought of reflector in the world. It doesn’t matter what size the mirror is. They all reflect light, so it gives the object or person great lighting that looks amazing.
- Aluminum Foil – Aluminum foil is identical to a mirror unless it is crumpled slightly. After it gives off a different contrast to the light altogether.
- Paper or white posterboard – This object as a reflector is the easiest type to get your hands on. It is also the easiest to use and can help to soften the look or make it edgier.
- Plastic Lid – This type of reflector can be used in many ways. It can resemble that of a flash and direct light as well.
How to Use Reflectors in Photography
When working with reflectors, it is easy to get flustered. With all the choices, it is hard to find the one that will work for the photograph that is being taken. The best way to find out which reflector choice is the best is to experiment. The experience of working with reflectors will grow over time and with use. Reflectors lean against something, held by a person or put on a stand. Always remember to have clients look the other way. They should never look at the reflector directly. This is for their safety. When looking into the reflector, they see direct light coming out of it. There are many ways to use a reflector. The first is to put it directly in front of the client or object. This will give off a backlight and give a soft glowing light appearance to the photograph. Diffusion is another word heard a lot when using reflectors. This is when a white sheet or piece of paper will help. When a reflector is a main light source for the photograph, it can give depth to the photo. Whether using light that is artificial or the own suns rays, it bounces from the source to the object or person. Both natural lighting and artificial lighting are in photography.
Using Sources for Better Photographs
There are many choices to make when choosing a reflector. It depends on the photographer and the photograph taken. A reflector can create a better photograph. It is also the one thing that photographers state they cannot leave home without. Some even say that the reflector is the most important object a photographer can have. That is after the camera of course.
D. Scott Carruthers was born and raised in Anaheim, California. He has always had a knack for art. This began when he was younger and liked to draw and paint. He still wasn’t satisfied. Even after great encouragement from his parents and teachers. When he began using his first camera during middle school, he knew that he had found his calling. This is what he should do, what he loved to do. And he was a naturalist at it too. He began creating amazing photographs that impressed anyone that saw them. His first studio was before he was 20 years old. After signing a contract with an agent, his career skyrocketed. Now he is one of the most sought-after photographers in the area.